What’s involved in the MBCT program?

the MBCT program involves:

  • Once a week, 2 hour group sessions, for 8weeks

  • Learning what mindfulness is through self exploration and sharing this experience in a small group

  • Learning a variety of meditation styles including sitting, lying and moving (you don’t need to lie on the floor if this isn’t right for your body!)

  • Approximately 45min of home practice daily over the 8weeks

  • Gaining insights into how your mind and body behaves and how this influences your relationship with your body and life around you

  • Ongoing support and group meditation sessions available post program

Location and Time:

  • Each week the group sessions will be 2-4pm on a Saturday afternoon at Back in Motion Valley View

    (see map below)


What to bring:

  • Wear comfortable casual clothing

  • Yoga mat, a cushion and a blanket (if you have them, otherwise I can supply!)