What’s involved in the MBCT program?
the MBCT program involves:
Once a week, 2 hour group sessions, for 8weeks
Learning what mindfulness is through self exploration and sharing this experience in a small group
Learning a variety of meditation styles including sitting, lying and moving (you don’t need to lie on the floor if this isn’t right for your body!)
Approximately 45min of home practice daily over the 8weeks
Gaining insights into how your mind and body behaves and how this influences your relationship with your body and life around you
Ongoing support and group meditation sessions available post program
Location and Time:
Each week the group sessions will be 2-4pm on a Saturday afternoon at Back in Motion Valley View
(see map below)
What to bring:
Wear comfortable casual clothing
Yoga mat, a cushion and a blanket (if you have them, otherwise I can supply!)